Spring Meeting Announcement
Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Venue: The Commonwealth Club, Warren, MI
Time: 6:00 p.m. until approximately 9:30 p.m.
Speakers: Our own Scott Monty, BSI as well as the leader of the Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis, Steve Doyle, BSI. Scott Monty: "Luck in the Canon". Steve Doyle: "The Case for the Scion Society".
Menu: Buffet-style dinner provided by Sopranos Catering. The usual fare of meat, pasta, potato, veggie, salad, and desert.
Price: $31 per person.
Story: His Last Bow
Talking Points: discussion to be led by our famous playwright, David MacGregor
The Mendicant History Minute: a recurring brief segment from Chris Music
Special Event: "Sell and Swap" Meet. Bring your Sherlockian books and memorabilia to sell or trade. I have the book collection from the late, great Jerry Alvin for sale. All proceeds will go to the Mendicant treasury. It may be time to thin your book collection.
The Usual: Toasts, prizes, drinking, and social chatter.
To reserve your place at this epic event, please send your check (or PayPal transaction) for the paltry sum of $31 to:
Amateur Mendicant Society of Detroit
c/o: Christine Jeryan
22129 Metamora Dr.
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
As this event may be the last one we host at the Commonwealth Club, I'm sure you will want to attend. Don't delay. Commit now!
John (Gasogene)