Winter Meeting
"My name is Sherlock Holmes... it seems to me that you have much to answer for"
- Sherlock Holmes to Sir Robert Norberton in "The Adventrue of Shoscombe Old Place"
And we hope that you'll answer our invitation to join us for a fine evening of post-holiday cheer at the annual winter meeting of the Amateur Mendicant Society of Detroit.
Saturday January 19th at 7PM
British Commonwealth Club
30088 Dequindre Rd. Warren, MI
Club Phone: (586) 751-9560
Our assigned reading is the final Holmes story, "The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place", which involves a possible murder, a spooky crypt, and bones found in a furnance! (And there'll be a quiz.)
The evening's presenter will be Dennis Ward on "The Enigma of Sherlock Holmes," which considers the life, travels, and writing of Arthur Conan Doyle, Dr. Watson's literary agent.
We'll also have a Sherlockian Swap Meet (so bring your items to sell) plus the usual toasts, prizes and more, including a celebration of The Master's 159th birthday and a report on the annual Baker Street Irregulars gathering in New York.
We hope to see you on January 19th.
To join us, please mail your check for $26 per person by Monday January 14th to:
Edward F. Stein, AMS
25015 Oakbrooke
Southfield, MI 48033
The meal includes a buffet featuring roast beef, chicken, veggies, mashed and au gratin potatoes, bread, assorted desserts, and coffee and tea. As always, there will be a cash bar.
"Come at once if convenient... if inconvenient, come all the same".